Are you planning a home renovation or strip out? In the past, asbestos was used extensively in residential constructions, so it’s crucial you consider safety measures if organising refurbishment work, protecting anyone in and around your property.

Here’s everything you need to know about asbestos and home renovations.

Asbestos in the home – the basics

Homes built pre-2000 will most likely have some form of asbestos present. Whether it’s a garage roof, water tank or insulation, ACMs (asbestos-containing materials) can be found in many unexpected places. While undisturbed asbestos poses a low risk if it remains in good condition, renovations can disturb it. If any of the fibres become airborne, this poses a significant health hazard (including cancer and lung damage) to anyone in the property.

However, don’t let this put you off home renovations. It’s possible to plan a safe project, including the removal of any ACMs, as long as the right precautions are put in place. That’s why it’s so important to hire an asbestos contractor at the start of the process.

Do you need an asbestos survey for property renovations?

If your renovation involves any invasive work that may disturb ACMs, an asbestos survey is your first stop. This will confirm the presence, location and extent of any asbestos in your home.

ACMs can be found in a multitude of locations in the home, from roofing, wall paint and pipe insulation to fireplaces, floor tiles and sealants. It can even be encountered in unexpected places, especially in older homes (pre-70s), where the most dangerous forms of asbestos can still be found.

A surveyor will inspect your property for asbestos, identify its location, take samples for laboratory testing and recommend the best ways to manage ACMs during the renovation. If there are any areas they can’t reach or check, it should be assumed asbestos is present.

Hire an expert for safe asbestos removals

You may decide to remove ACMs if necessary or leave them undisturbed. However, knowing their location and condition is the key to good management. This will help you to ensure the asbestos fibres aren’t damaged or disturbed during the work through drilling, sanding, scraping or cutting. Any asbestos in poor condition may even release fibres due to property vibrations.

If asbestos removals are required, an expert should handle the work to minimise exposure risks and complete the task as safely as possible. They can also reassess your home after the work to ensure ACMs have been properly cleared. Always use a trained and experienced asbestos contractor to manage the complexities of asbestos and home renovations.

Experienced asbestos contractor – Goodbye Asbestos

Are you looking for a professional asbestos removal service near London and Surrey? At Goodbye Asbestos, we’re happy to help with your home renovation, whether you need asbestos sampling or safe ACM removals. We work throughout the area, coming out to Byfleet, Carshalton and beyond.

For more advice and a free, no-obligation quote, get in touch.

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